Does a name mean everything–encapsulate everything a business or organization is or wants to be? Or is it not that important in the grand scheme of things?
When we began this new venture, we got a lot of advice from family, friends, books and other media about how we should approach the naming ritual. There were huge sheets of white paper scribbled on furiously with colored markers. Philosophical discussions ensued. Someone suggested we should rip it off like a Band-Aid–just pick one and do it. We could always change it later. Still, we quibbled.
Amongst ourselves and within each of us, we were struggling to distill everything we wanted this new entity to be into one or two words. For a group of creative types and writers, it was humbling. But the project itself is humbling. Creating a space for long-form storytelling which includes diverse voices from our city and communities–it seems like our content should speak for itself.
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We started with “The Bridge,” because we want to be that bridge between neighborhoods, between quick and dirty journalism and something more substantial. Then we became “Digital Bridge’” because, well, we’re online. And we use technology to make these connections happen. We even had it printed on the front door at our offices at StartUptown on Fifth Avenue. Turns out someone else thought it was a great name, too–they trademarked it. So now we’re Unabridged Press. Creating multimedia narratives previously unsung, untold, and underrepresented. It stuck, and we hope to grow into it.